School Meals, ParentPay and Debt Policy
A hot school meal or packed lunch is available daily provided by Caterlink at £2.36 per meal. Meals can be ordered in advance or ordered each day during morning registration. Menus are sent out at the beginning of each term and is displayed in the reception area.
Payments are made by ParentPay, an online system ( We cannot accept cash for school meals. We ask that your ParentPay account is in credit at all times. Please read the debt policy and please note that if your account is in debt the school will refuse school meals until the debt is cleared and your account is in credit.
Click on the link below to view the Menu
You can also check the school menus on the Caterlink Gloucestershire County Council Website:
Gloucestershire County Council - Caterlink (
If your child has a special diet, allergy or intolerence and has school dinners, use this form to inform CaterLink.