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They are like trees that grow beside a stream that bear fruit at the right time and whose leaves do not dry up.
They succeed in all they do.
Psalm 1:3
Welcome to Uley C. of E. Primary School.
It is a privilege to be the Head Teacher of Uley Primary School. Our Uley ethos is very important to me and to all who are part of our community. We all work hard at Uley to ensure that all of our pupils have the opportunities to live, learn and flourish whilst being surrounded by a happy, safe and nurturing Christian environment. We set high standards for our pupils and believe in an active and positive relationship between school, church and home.
Our last OFSTED Inspection, in July 2023, and our SIAMS Inspection (Statutory Insepction of Anglican and Methodist Schools), in October 2017, both graded us as a “Good” school. Please contact us if you need further information or if you would like to arrange a visit.
I look forward to meeting you, and hope you come and join us on our Uley 'Live, Learn, Flourish' journey.
Kind regards,
Zoe Mandeville
Head Teacher
Considering Uley Primary School for your child?
We have vacancies - please ring the school to arrange a look around
Starting at Uley Primary School September 2025
Please take a minute to read our Happy Start booklet
Looking for a school place September 2025? Considering Uley Primary School?
Are you interested in Uley School? If so, then please have a look at our virtual school tour. If you would like to visit, please do not hestiate to give us call and book a time.
Uley School Virtual Tour -https://youtu.be/8ZTFmue0ppQ
We have some spaces available in some year groups. Please phone 01453 860350 or email admin@uley.gloucs.sch.uk to find out more.
Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility.
Out of school hours contact numbers:
If you are worried or concerned about anyone under 18 who you think is being abused or neglected, or that a child and their family need help and support, please contact the Gloucestershire Children and Families Front Door which is open from 9am to 5pm:
Telephone: 01452 426565
Email the School:
If you have concerns about the immediate safety of the child or you believe a serious criminal offence has been committed please contact the Police at any time on 101.
In an emergency, always dial 999
Our Whisper Tool
If you have a problem online and not sure who to turn to, why not whisper it?
Whisper is our school's confidential system for reporting problems at school or at home. Just click on link the below. All messages reported remain annoymous but please feel free to add your name to the form if you would like to.
Whisper Anonymous Reporting | SWGfL
If you want to find out more about the Whisper tool please see the parent information letter below:
Parent Whisper tool information
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Religious Education
Curriculum 2025-2026 Cycle B
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